How Rich get Richer?
One of the common sayings, we heard is “While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer”. Why does this happen? Is this a fact? Let’s see here. The entry of corporate businesses globally is the cause for all monetary transformations that we had seen. Most of us are working for corporate and many are even happy about their high paychecks. But, Very few have realized that most of our pay, goes back to them! You may argue like, I’ve bought a villa, car, etc., with that money. But think, how many years did you work to buy that? Every second, some of your money is lost! That is added to the wealth of the rich. That is not because of their smartness, but because of your ignorance. This is hard to realize. You might have come across many comparisons. But the below one is different! It’s weird. It’s may be because I’m a mechanical engineer and I think awkwardly… I say, many businesses work like a Refrigerator! This sounds really awkward...right? What a ...